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1. Installing via Composer


  • Magento 2.4.3 CE
  • A valid license for Hyvä Themes, please view
  • Access to Private Packagist or the Hyvä repository on Gitlab

Installation for Hyvä license holders

Hyvä license holders can install the module through private packagist:

composer require hyva-themes/magento2-luma-checkout

Installation for contribution or for technology partners


Don’t use this installation method for production environments.

You need access to and need to add your SSH-key to your Gitlab account.

Then, configure the gitlab repository as a composer package repo and install the module:

composer config repositories.hyva-themes/magento2-luma-checkout git
composer config repositories.hyva-themes/magento2-theme-fallback git

composer require hyva-themes/magento2-luma-checkout --prefer-source

Setup and configuration:

Next, run bin/magento setup:upgrade from your project’s root.

The Luma fallback checkout is enabled by default.

The enabled flag can be toggled and more configuration can be adjusted in the admin panel under:

HYVA THEMES->Theme Fallback->General Settings To enforce the fallback to be enabled via the command line, use:

bin/magento config:set hyva_theme_fallback/general/enable 1 --lock-config

In developer mode, you should now be able to see the Luma fallback checkout in action on the frontend. A cache flush might be required.

In production mode, bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy is required.