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Company Account Layouts

Hyvä Checkout Requirements

Company Layouts require Hyva_EnterpriseCheckoutB2b version 0.1.3 or newer as it relies on the is_company custom condition introduced in that version.

General Information

Companies can create multiple sub-accounts with flexible permissions based on user roles, simplifying their purchasing process. Store administrators can tailor promotions and prices to meet specific company needs.

Adding a company account association to a standard individual account allows customers to use purchasing workflows defined for their company, ensuring a smooth and efficient shopping experience.

Learn more about Company Accounts in Adobe Commerce


Company Account Layouts allow you to customize the checkout experience for B2B company users.

There are two types of configurations:

  • B2B Company Layout - Desktop

    • This section allows you to customize the checkout experience for B2B company users on desktop devices.
  • B2B Company Layout - Mobile

    • This setting overrides both the default checkout and the desktop B2B company layout for mobile users. It allows you to optimize the B2B checkout process for smaller screens, potentially simplifying or reorganizing steps to enhance the mobile purchasing experience for company buyers. If not enabled, mobile company users will see either the desktop B2B layout (if configured) or the standard checkout. Mobile users are identified on the basis of the User-Agent.

How To Enable

By default, company users see the same checkout layout as regular customers (configured under Stores > Configuration > Hyvä Themes > Checkout).

To enable Company Account Layouts:

  1. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Hyvä Themes > Checkout
  2. Under General, expand B2B Company Layout - Mobile or B2B Company Layout - Desktop.
  3. Select "Enable" from the dropdown.
  4. Choose your preferred checkout layout from the options provided.

Enabling this option lets you create a tailored checkout process for company users, including different steps, fields, or functionality to better suit B2B purchasing workflows.

Please note no B2B/company specific layouts are provided by default, you will need to create your own. To create a new checkout please see our docs here.

'Is Company' Custom Condition

We have introduced a new custom condition called is_company. This condition allows you to add checkout steps and layout handles that will only be displayed for company account users during the checkout process.

Here is an example of how to use the is_company condition in the hyva_checkout.xml:

<step name="example-step">
    <!-- Only include the example_handle.xml layout XML if the "is_company" condition is true -->
    <update handle="example_handle" if="is_company"/>

    <!-- Only show the "example-step" step if the "is_company" condition is true -->
    <condition name="example" if="is_company"/>

For more details on adding/modifying checkout steps, see our docs here.