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Rendering JS once when it is needed on a page

Since Hyvä 1.3.6

Hyvä generally tries to keep things that change at the same time in the same file, that is, by default, we place JavaScript in the same file with the HTML that uses it.

However, when the HTML is rendered multiple times, for example, items in a product list, this can lead to the duplication of JavaScript in the page source.
In such situations, it can make sense to split the JavaScript into a separate template and render it only once.

Since release 1.3.6 Hyvä allows rendering a JavaScript dependency in a template or block in the before-body-end container through the Hyva\Theme\ViewModel\PageJsDependencyRegistry view model.

Rendering a block with a JS dependency

To render a block with a JS template on a page only if the current template is rendered, use the $pageJsRegistry->requireBlock() method.

For example:

$pageJsRegistry = $viewModels->require(\Hyva\Theme\ViewModel\BlockJsDependencies::class);
$pageJsRegistry->setBlockNameDependency($block, 'category.products.list.js.wishlist');

If a block with the name category.products.list.js.wishlist is declared, it will then be rendered in the before.body.end container.

Rendering a template with a JS dependency

It is not necessary to declare a block in layout XML to render a JavaScript template as a dependency. It's also possible to specify a template directly using the requireTemplate method:

For example:

$pageJsRegistry = $viewModels->require(\Hyva\Theme\ViewModel\BlockJsDependencies::class);
$pageJsRegistry->setBlockTemplateDependency($block, 'Magento_Catalog::product/list/js/wishlist.phtml');

The benefit of using a block name dependency over using a template dependency is that it allows for greater customizability through other extensions.

Rendering dependent JS via layout XML

It is also possible to declare JavaScript dependencies in Layout XML.
A new special block data property named hyva_js_block_dependencies can be declared as a block argument to specify block names that should be rendered automatically in case that block is rendered.

For example

<block class="Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\AbstractProduct" name="product_list_item"
        <argument name="hyva_js_block_dependencies" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="category.products.list.js.wishlist" xsi:type="boolean">true</item>

The item key is the JS block dependency name.
The item value has to be an integer or a boolean or a non-empty string.
If the item is set to false, null, or an empty string, the dependency will not be rendered.
This is to allow customizations to be overridden in themes if needed.

Also, it is possible to declare template dependencies using the special block data property hyva_js_template_dependencies in the same way.