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Address finders and address autocomplete

We strive to support a wide range of address autocomplete providers, but not all integrations are officially maintained by us. If you're using a specific address autocomplete provider, we recommend contacting the integrator or provider first to confirm compatibility and support. If you have any questions after checking with them, feel free to reach out — we're happy to help where we can!

Here you'll find a list of tracked address autocomplete extensions

Currently available integrations

Hyvä Checkout license holders can install modules via Composer.

Hyva Checkout address autocomplete base module

This module provides base functionality shared by specific address autocomplete integrations.

Deutsche Post address autocomplete

Fetchify address autocomplete

Google Places address autocomplete

Loqate integration

PostcodeNl address autocomplete

Integrations in progress

You can find in progress integrations in our checkout integration tracker board.