Shipping Integrations
Here you'll find a list of tracked shipping integrations and links to their repositories and compatibility module repositories.
Most shipping methods that do not implement extra frontend features are supported out of the box and nothing more is needed. Some method are more complex and implement more fornt-end elements (maps, forms, address finders etc) and then Compatibility module needs to be implemented.
Updates are tracked in our checkout integration tracker board
In addition to our integrations tracker each shipping method has the Compatibility module repository. This can be hosted by service providers,extension developers or our own repositories. We will list repository addresses on integration tracker tickets description.
Currently available integrations
Amasty Shipping Restrictions
Amasty Shipping Rules
Amasty Shipping Table Rates
InPost Paczkomaty
Webshipper (Wexo)
Integrations that are currently worked on or soon to be released
Integrations that are not in this list
There are many more integrations that are in planned or their status is currently not updated. You can find those from in our checkout integration tracker board. Or if you are in doubt or want to start or track some method that we do not list yet then please rise a ticket or ask from our slack #hyva-checkout-support channel.