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The autocomplete abstraction layer allows you to create form autocomplete functionalities using third-party address providers such as PostcodeNL or Google.

Please refer to Address finders and address autocomplete for all services that are already integrated using this abstraction.


composer require hyva-themes/magento2-hyva-checkout-autocomplete


  • PHP: 7.4 (or higher)


Build yourself a custom module which has a sequence entry for Hyva_CheckoutAutoComplete.

<config xmlns:xsi=""
    <module name="Vendor_Module">
            <module name="Hyva_CheckoutAutoComplete"/>

Create a custom Auto Complete Adapter which extends from \Hyva\CheckoutAutoComplete\Model\AddressAutoCompleteServiceAdapter\AbstractServiceAdapter.



namespace Vendor\Module\Model\AddressAutoCompleteServiceAdapter;

use Hyva\Checkout\Model\Form\AbstractEntityForm;
use Hyva\Checkout\Model\Form\EntityFormModifierInterface;
use Hyva\CheckoutAutoComplete\Model\AddressAutoCompleteServiceAdapter\AbstractServiceAdapter;

class YourServiceAdapter extends AbstractServiceAdapter
    private array $entityFormModifiers;

    public function __construct(
        array $entityFormModifiers = []
    ) {
        $this->entityFormModifiers = $entityFormModifiers;

    public function getServiceName(): string
        return 'Your Service Name Here';

    public function accessServiceApi(): object
        // Return an empty object as a placeholder since no API client is needed in this instance.
        // If you're integrating with an existing PHP API client from the module you're writing a compatibility module for, 
        // replace this with the appropriate API client object.
        return (object) [];

    public function canApplyEntityFormModifications(): bool
        // You can add a condition here to determine if the autocomplete form modifications should be applied.
        // For example: checking if valid credentials for the service have been set in configuration.

    public function modifyEntityForm(AbstractEntityForm $form): void
        /** @var EntityFormModifierInterface $modifier */
        foreach ($this->entityFormModifiers as $modifier) {

Inject it as one of the available adapters via etc/di.xml.

<type name="Hyva\CheckoutAutoComplete\Model\AddressAutoCompleteServiceAdapterProvider">
        <argument name="adapters" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="your_service_name" xsi:type="object">