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Customizing Modal methods

You might want to trigger some custom logic when specific modal methods like show or hide are called.

This can be done for specific instances of a modal or for all instances.
The principle is always the same:

  1. Get the original method and store it in a reference variable
  2. Create a new function, that uses the reference to all the original function
  3. Add the custom logic to the new function
  4. Assign the new function in place of the original function

Customizing a modal method for a specific instance

For example, to add custom logic to a modals hide method:

<div x-data="{...hyva.modal(), init() {
    const origHide = this.hide;
    this.hide = (value) => {
        // custom logic here
        return, value);
}}" x-init="init">

Here the hide method for the modal instance is wrapped in a custom function within the init method.

Customizing a modal method for all instances

There are use-cases where every modal should trigger some custom code when one of its methods is called. To make this work, two functions need to be wrapped:

  1. The hyva.modal() function is wrapped to return a modified modal instance
  2. The target modal instance method is wrapped to run the custom code

In the following example, the hide method is wrapped for all modal instances.
This code needs to be rendered on the page after the original hyva.modal code. This can be done using the hyva_modal.xml layout file:

<page xmlns:xsi=""
        <referenceContainer name="before.body.end">
            <block name="my-hyva-modal-patch" template="My_Module::modal-patch.phtml" after="-"/>

The after="-" attribute ensures it is rendered on the page after the original code.

Then, in the template, wrap the target method:

    (() => {
        const originalModal = window.hyva.modal;

        window.hyva.modal = function (options) {
            const instance = originalModal(options);
            const originalHide = instance.hide;
            instance.hide = function(value) {
                // custom code here
                return, value);
            return instance;
        window.hyva.modal.eventListeners = originalModal.eventListeners;
        window.hyva.modal.excludeSelectorsFromFocusTrap = originalModal.excludeSelectorsFromFocusTrap;
        window.hyva.modal.pop = originalModal.pop;

Note that references to any additional non-default properties are also set on the new window.hyva.modal wrapper function.

Using a JavaScript Proxy to wrap modal methods

The above examples capture references to the original methods using explicit references like const original = this.hide.
This approach works well and is explicit about what is happening.

JavaScript provides a helper class called Proxy which makes this capturing implicit, and can lead to more concise code.
It may or may not be more understandable, depending on the familiarity of the reader with JavaScript.

One big benefit is that it automatically keeps references to non-default properties intact, like eventListeners and pop in the previous example.

The following example does the same as the above, except that a JavaScript Proxy is used to wrap the hyva.modal function, and another Proxy is used to wrap the hide method.

// wrap hyva.modal function in a Proxy
window.hyva.modal = new Proxy(window.hyva.modal, {

  // declare function interceptor on the proxy handler object
  apply(target, objContext, args) {

    // call original hyva.modal function
    const instance = target.apply(objContext, args);

    // wrap instance hide method in a Proxy
    instance.hide = new Proxy(instance.hide, {

      // declare function interceptor on the proxy handler object 
      apply(target, objContext, args) {

        // custom code here

        // call original hide function
        return target.apply(objContext, args);
    return instance;

There are two different apply in the above code

  1. target.apply(objContext, args) calls the original function using Function.prototype.apply.
  2. apply(target, objContext, args) declares a Proxy handler apply method to intercept function calls on the original.

(I think this is a part of JavaScript where the naming could be better.)

For more information please refer to the MDN Proxy documentation.