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Hyvä Multi Field Widget

Content Fields

  1. Widget title - Text field. Will output as heading on top of the widget.
  2. Multi-field data - Text area field. Will output below the Widget title and will display as a explanatory section.
  3. Display type - Select box with three options to switch between Hyvä Slider, Splide.js Slider or Grid type view.
  4. Steps - Reusable elements that contain multiple fields.
    • Image - Image uploader to select the reusable step image.
    • Title - Title text field of the reusable step.
    • Description - Text area field for reusable step description.
    • Button text - Text string that will create a button for redirects etc.
    • Button url - Text field for an internal or external url where a click on the banner button will lead. E.g. "/products" for an internal link, or a full url "" for an external link.
    • Action - Admin button that will delete the current step. After removing a step, be sure to click "Save" the page, so the change is applied.


  • Multi field fade animations - The assigned content is animated when a visitor scrolls half the element into view. It will animate out when user leaves the content area. There are 10 options available for a user to select from. For more details on how this plugin works on the development side please visit the Intersect plugin Apline.js documentatzion.


Animations only work with Hyvä 1.1.10.
Earlier releases of Hyvä do not include the x-intersect plugin.


  • Hyvä multifield padding - Inside spacing on top, left, bottom, right.
    The value maps directly to Tailwind CSS padding classes. More details can be found in the Tailwind CSS Padding documentation.
    Example: pt-8 pb-8 pl-4 pr-4 or py-6 px-8. Multiple entries are allowed.
  • Hyvä multifield margin - Outside spacing on top, left, bottom, right.
    The value maps directly to Tailwind CSS margin classes. More details can be found in the Tailwind CSS Margin documentation. Example: mt-8 mb-8 mr-4 ml-4. Multiple entries allowed.