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Feature history

Searching for a particular feature version without the need to upgrade too far ahead? Look no further – we've got you covered. The list below unveils all features categorized by version tags, providing a clear overview for your convenience.


  • The AbstractEntityForm::modifyFields method facilitates easy and repeated changes across all form fields.
  • The AbstractEntityForm::modifyField method allows for applying changes to a single form field without the need to verify its existence.
  • The AbstractEntityForm::modifyElements method simplifies making repeated adjustments across all form elements.
  • The AbstractEntityForm::modifyElement method enables applying changes to a single form element without the need to verify its existence.


  • validateGroup method for selective field validation.


  • Universal hyvaCheckout.message.dialog() API.
  • URL route based step management.


  • Step cloning using the clone step attribute in hyva_checkout.xml.
  • Coupon code for applied and revoked Magewire emit events.
  • Magewire update 404 response error message modal.


  • PHP 8.3 support.
  • Magento 2.4.7 support.
  • Form renderer template for the radio field.
  • Form renderer templates for elements image and url.


  • Multi tab out-of-sync notification modal.
  • Cash On Delivery renderer.
  • Top destination options for country selection.


  • Frontend Config and Storage APIs.
  • Magewire abstract form component.
  • Evaluation API result types (Batch, NavigationTask, Redirect, Validation, Executable & Custom).
  • Redirect notification and configuration dialog.


  • Guest details (email) and authentication for existing customers.


  • Prices include both inclusive and exclusive tax (shipping methods, total summary and cart items).
  • Form element accessory rendering.
  • Added the "Billing as shipping address" Magewire emit event.


  • Payment methods list refresh on coupon code apply or revoke.


  • Added a named navigation class to each navigation bar button.
  • One column row street field renderer to show street fields in a single row.
  • Form input hidden renderer to include hidden fields in forms.


  • IntelliSense compatibility


  • Allowance to disable form modifiers using a null argument item.
  • Allow street field labels to be configured per store.
  • Field object hasAttributesStartingWith method.


  • Added built-with HTTP response header to Hyvä Checkout routes


  • New form modification hooks form:updated & form:field:updated.
  • Field object AbstractEntityField::getPreviousValue() method.


  • Form field checkbox type template.
  • Emit event Address submitted carrying the save result.
  • Main component redirect template on order place completion.
  • Form element label renderer.
  • Shipping- & Billing street grid renderer (optional).


  • Form modification API.
  • Form field grouping feature.
  • Magewire emit events for Shipping-, Billing address and Coupon component


  • Customer address selection "list" view renderer.


  • Allowance the saving of billing address to customer address book.
  • "Weee tax" order totals renderer.
  • Option to add a subtitle and SVG logo icon to a Payment method.
  • Support for nested DOM elements in the navigation buttons.
  • Enable the Hyvä Checkout cache by default.


  • Address & Country change listeners for the payment method list.
  • Included checkout page type as widget instance target location.
  • Narrowed down the Composer PHP requirement between 7.4 and 8.3.
  • Checkout (Magewire) Component Resolver sort order.


  • PHP 8.2 support.
  • Default totals renderer template.