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Upgrading to 1.1.17

This release primarily focused on improving the multi-layer inheritance of checkouts.

Please refer to the changelog for details.

Please check the upgrade process overview for Hyvä-Checkout first.
Then, to upgrade, run the command

composer update --with-dependencies hyva-themes/magento2-hyva-checkout:1.1.17

Backward incompatible changes


Although our expectation is that few to none will have extended this class, we still find it of great importance to report these backwards incompatible changes for those who have chosen to do so.

  • Method includeSteps no longer requires a string $parent and a DOMElement $child and now does require a DOMElement $root which by default is null.
  • Method includeUpdates now optionally required a DOMElement $root which by default is null.
  • Method includeCustomConditions no longer requires a string $for and a DOMElement $parent and now does require a DOMElement $checkout.


This release has no deprecations.


Changelogs are available from the in the codebase, or here in the docs.