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Upgrading to 1.1.1

This release is a maintenance release, mostly focused on bug fixes.

Please refer to the changelog for details.

Please check the upgrade process overview for Hyvä-Checkout first.
Then, to upgrade, run the command

composer update --with-dependencies hyva-themes/magento2-hyva-checkout:1.1.1

Backward incompatible changes

We try to avoid making backward incompatible changes, but because the product still is young, we are still adjusting.
Apologies for any inconveniences this might cause. Even though the following changes are not backward compatible, we do not expect them to impact most sites.

Backward incompatible localization changes

These changes are likely the most impactful:

  • Shipping address could not be found. changed to
    %1 address could not be found.
  • Billing address could not be found. changed to
    %1 address could not be found. (same as above)
  • Shipping address can not be shown due to a technical malfunction. changed to
    %1 address can not be shown due to a technical malfunction.
  • Billing address can not be shown due to a technical malfunction. changed to
    %1 address can not be shown due to a technical malfunction. (same as above)
  • A form modifier with name "%1s" already exists changed to
    A form modifier with name "%1" already exists
  • No %1s found for element %2s changed to
    No %1 found for element %2
  • Cancel coupon changed to
    Cancel Coupon (now matching the Magento core).

Interface Hyva\Checkout\Model\FormEntityFormElementInterface

Constant INPUT removed

The class constant was moved to the interface Hyva\Checkout\Model\Form\EntityFieldInterface::INPUT, because not all form elements have an input type.

All custom code referencing this constant needs to be updated to refer to the new class after the upgrade.

Interface Hyva\Checkout\Model\Form\EntityFormElement\RendererInterface

Method getLabel added

Previously element and field labels were hardcoded in the corresponding .phtml template. Now the label of form elements and fields are rendered by this method.
After the upgrade, all custom implementations of the RendererInterface need to implement the new method.

Interface Hyva\Checkout\Model\Form\EntityFormElement\RendererInterface deprecated

Element and field renderers should no longer implement RendererInterface. Instead, custom implementations should extend the abstract class Hyva\Checkout\Model\Form\EntityFormElement\Renderer\AbstractRenderer.
This change allows us to add new methods in future without breaking backward compatibility.
The interface will not be removed.


Changelogs are available from the in the codebase, or here in the docs.