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Adobe Commerce Cloud Deployment

Tailwind Stylesheet Generation

For Hyvä projects on Magento Cloud, if the production stylesheet is not kept in version control, there are a few additional steps required to generate it during deployment.

Add the following code to the file:


    # build hooks run before the application has been packaged
    build: |

        # install latest nvm and node 18.17 (LTS version)
        unset NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX
        curl -o- | bash
        export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"    
        [ -s "$NVM_DIR/"  ] &&. "$NVM_DIR/"
        nvm install 18.17

        # create required directory
        mkdir -p app/design/frontend/{VENDOR}/{THEME}/web/css/

        # install Tailwind dependencies
        npm --prefix app/design/frontend/{VENDOR}/{THEME}/web/tailwind/ install

        # build Tailwind production stylesheet
        npm --prefix app/design/frontend/{VENDOR}/{THEME}/web/tailwind/ run build-prod

        # cleanup
        rm -rf app/design/frontend/{VENDOR}/{THEME}/web/tailwind/node_modules/
        rm -rf ~/.nvm/


If you run the ece-tools, make sure you run the Hyva scripts first. Otherwise, the style is built after the static content is deployed, and you get no stylesheets. Final section should look similar to this:


    # build hooks run before the application has been packaged
    build: |
        set -e
        composer --no-ansi --no-interaction install --no-progress --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader --no-dev

        ... steps from above ...

        php ./vendor/bin/ece-tools run scenario/build/generate.xml
        php ./vendor/bin/ece-tools run scenario/build/transfer.xml
    deploy: |

Composer Authorization

One possible approach is to commit the auth.json file to git and add a repository entry in composer.json for the Hyvä packagist:

"repositories": {
    "hyva-private-packagist": {
        "type": "composer",
        "url": "{{MERCHANT-ID}}/",
        "only": [

Setting the COMPOSER_AUTH variable on the PROJECT level (not on the ENVIRONMENT level) is also an option if the auth.json should not be committed to the repository.

The app/etc/hyva-themes.json file

The file needs to be generated after Magento is installed, so it can't be run during the build phase. This means, for Adobe Commerce Cloud projects, the app/etc/hyva-themes.json file needs to be commited to the repository.
Otherwise the file will be missing during the compilation of the styles.