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Since release 1.1.13, an i18n/en_US.csv dictionary file has been distributed as part of the default Hyvä theme. It contains all strings that are part of Hyvä but not part of a native Magento installation.
The purpose of the "English-to-English" translation file is to serve as a base for custom translations into other languages.

Hyvä can be localized like any other Magento theme, that is, by adding a CSV translation dictionary in an i18n/ sub-folder of your theme.

Alternatively, if you want to keep your custom phrases separate from the core Magento and Hyvä translations, you can also put your custom translation files in app/i18n/{projectname}/{locale}/. You'll also need a registration.php and language.xml and one or more CSV files. This core Magento feature can be considered a local language pack specific to a project.
(Thanks to Pieter Hoste from Baldwin for sharing this gem of knowledge.)

Using app/i18n/{projectname}/{locale}/

The registration.php file looks like this, where {project} is a string like mysite and {locale} is a string like de_de:

use Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar;
ComponentRegistrar::register(ComponentRegistrar::LANGUAGE, '{project}_{locale}', __DIR__);

The language.xml looks like this, where {locale} is a string like de_DE and {project} matches your project folder name:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<language xmlns:xsi=""

The full documentation can be found at

Hyvä Localization Modules

We offer pre-made localizations for several languages that can be installed as Magento extensions.

They can be installed via composer using the package name in this list:

  • bg_BG (Bulgarian): hyva-themes/i18n-bg-bg
  • ca_ES (Catalan): hyva-themes/i18n-ca-es
  • de_CH (Swiss German): hyva-themes/i18n-de-ch
  • de_DE (German): hyva-themes/i18n-de-de
  • es_ES (Spanish): hyva-themes/i18n-es-es
  • fr_FR (French): hyva-themes/i18n-fr-fr
  • it_IT (Italian): hyva-themes/i18n-it-it
  • ko_KR (Korean): hyva-themes/i18n-ko-kr
  • nl_BE (Belgian): hyva-themes/i18n-nl-be
  • nl_DI (Dutch, informal): hyva-themes/i18n-nl-di
  • nl_NL (Dutch): hyva-themes/i18n-nl-nl
  • pl_PL (Polish): hyva-themes/i18n-pl-pl
  • pt_BR (Brazilian Portugese): hyva-themes/i18n-pt-br
  • uk_UA (Ukranian): hyva-themes/i18n-uk-ua


To install a localization module, run the following commands, replacing the code in the package name with your desired locale.

For example, to install the Italian localization module, use:

composer require hyva-themes/i18n-it-it
bin/magento setup:upgrade

Be sure to also install a default Magento language pack for the target locale, and to configure the desired language for the store view in the system configuration.