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Upgrading to 1.3.12

Release 1.3.12 adds CSP compatibility for components shared between Hyvä Checkout and the default theme.
Also, it includes some bugfixes.

When updating the Hyvä Theme to version 1.3.12, please always update the hyva-themes/magento2-theme-module to the latest version.

Even if not updating the Default Theme to 1.3.12, it is safe to update the Hyva_Theme module to the latest version (package hyva-themes/magento2-theme-module).

Notable news

Please refer to the changelogs for details about the bugfixes.

Backward incompatible changes

All components shared between the Hyvä Default Theme and Hyvä Checkout have been made strict CSP compatible.

For details, please refer to the Hyvä Checkout docs on shared components.

The potentially backward compatibility breaking changes are in Alpine Components that were refactored to work without the unsafe-eval CSP policy.
These can be found in the templates:

  • Cookie Notice Component

    • Magento_Cookie::notices.phtml
  • The Authentication Drawer

    • Magento_Customer::account/authentication-popup.phtml
  • Footer Components (Currency, Store, Language Selector, and Newsletter Subscription)

    • Magento_Directory::currency.phtml
    • Magento_Newsletter::subscribe.phtml
    • Magento_Store::switch/languages.phtml
    • Magento_Store::switch/stores.phtml
  • Header Components (Login as Customer Notice and Logout Link)

    • Magento_LoginAsCustomerFrontendUi::html/notices.phtml
    • Magento_LoginAsCustomerFrontendUi::html/notices/logout-link.phtml
  • Messaging Component

    • Magento_Theme::messages.phtml


The changelogs are available in the files in the release packages.


Please refer to the Hyvä Theme upgrade docs for helpful information on how to upgrade.