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Upgrading to 1.3.7

Release 1.3.7 includes performance improvements, bug fixes, features and improved accessibility.

When updating the Hyvä Theme to version 1.3.7, please note to always update the hyva-themes/magento2-theme-module to the latest version as well.

Even if not updating the Default Theme to 1.3.7, it should always be safe to update the Hyva_Theme module to the latest version (package hyva-themes/magento2-theme-module).

Notable news

New Alpine.js x-defer directive

This new custom Alpine directive helps reduce the main thread blocking time and improve core web vital related metrics.
Please refer to the x-defer documentation for more information on the directive.

Automatic x-defer injection

With this release the hyva-themes/magento-theme-module injects the x-defer directive into specific Alpine components, to help improve the user experience for themes based on older Hyvä versions, just by upgrading hyva-themes/magento2-theme-module to 1.3.7 or newer.
The injection is based on CSS selectors and configurable in the backend.
Be sure to check customized themes that no components with event listeners for the private-content-loaded event are accidentally deferred.
Please refer to the x-defer documentation for more information on defer rule injection.

Experimental Prerender Speculation Rules

A new browser API allows pre-rendering pages users are likely to visit next for an improved user experience.
Hyvä 1.3.7 includes an experimental implementation that can be enabled in the system configuration found at
Hyvä Themes > Experimental > Experimental Features > Enable Preloading Speculation Rules

For more information on the browser API please visit and

Compatibility with Magento 2.4.7

The relevant changes are based on 2.4.7-beta3, so there might still be some unexpected last minute additions in the final Magento release.
All current changes are related to the introduction of the Magento_OrderCancellationUi module.

New translated phrases

The following new phrases were added to the translation dictionary:

Order %1 canceled.

New dependency hyva-themes/magento2-order-cancellation-webapi

Out of the box the order-cancellation feature introduced in Magento 2.4.7 only comes with a GraphQL API.
To be able to reduce the use of GraphQL in Hyvä in the future, the compatibility module uses a REST API provided by hyva-themes/magento2-order-cancellation-webapi instead.

reset-theme dependency 1.1.6

The dependency is updated because of new layout XML resets for the Magento_OrderCancellationUi module introduced in Magento 2.4.7.


Changelogs are available from the in the codebase, or here:


Please refer to the Hyvä Theme upgrade docs for helpful information on how to upgrade.

Known Issues

Please check the GitLab issue tracker for the default-theme and the theme-module for known issues.